You can check these links for more sex-related content
Aerie’s Room / Their business card should read “Professional Adorable Human”
Apricot Creams / Cute aesthetics and witty reviews that make my heart happy.
Bex Talks Sex / Funny, uplifting, and educational, part of a complete breakfast!
Deviant Kitten / Lexi has babin’ mer-rainbow hair and writes awesome, compact, but informative reviews.
Emmeline Peaches / Perfect reviews for when I need a good pro/cons list for a toy.
Epiphora / Sass that makes me weak in the knees.
Girly Juice / My blog aspires to be this well-rounded and frequently updated!
Lorax of Sex / Behold the knowledge! Great guides and nerd humor aplenty.
Marvelous Darling / Marvy called Pipedreams the “Dane Cook of Sex Toys,” so we cool.
Miss Ruby Reviews / Fantastic, thorough reviews, and a great vibe comparison chart!
Naughty Reenie / A masterful review combination of funny and blunt.
Ninja Sexology / Has a tag called “The XL Files” and put a pink butt plug in a Barbie car, so yes.
Oh Joy Sex Toy / Sex toy review comics… yeah, they’re rad as fuck.
Peep’s Scoop / Love the personality and experience they put into their guides and reviews.
Penny For Your Dirty Thoughts / If there were ever a title of Professional Sex Toy Photographer, Penny takes it.
Queeraschino Cherry / Opinionated, unapologetic, and damn charming.
Lauren Marie Fleming / Go to here if you need to feel some motivation and support vibes.
Redhead Bedhead / So many great sex/ sex toy resources!
Sexational / So much goddamn good stuff! One of my must read sex blogs.
Sugarbutch / Queer erotica, kink guides, and sex advice from a strap-on expert, woo!
The Big Gay Review / All the cookies go to David’s super helpful review photos.
Toy Meets Girl / So many fantastically snarky review quotes!
The Notice / Makeup and sex writing in one place… yes please and thank you.