Advice For Women On How To Deal With Your Partner’s Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) doesn’t just affect men, it can also have an impact the lives of their female partners. More than half of men aged 40-70 have experienced ED at some point, yet a new survey has found that more than 80% of women underestimate how common the condition is. This lack of understanding means women often find it difficult to discuss ED with their partners and many misunderstand the causes.
In fact, the research showed that 42% of women feel that their partner’s ED is their fault, with almost a fifth (19%) believing their partner no longer finds them attractive. “I thought it was something to do with me” was a comment that was seen time and time again in the report results.
The survey of 2,000 people, compiled by Superdrug Online Doctor, also found that more than a third of women (35%) believe ED has had a negative effect on their relationship. However, more than 40% of the women surveyed hadn’t taken steps to find answers or treatments.